My name's Dave. I'm working on it.

Saturday, May 31, 2008

Happy Birthday Bu!

I haven't blogged in awhile. I just wanted to remark quickly on how the Bu turned one month old yesterday. It makes me smile.
It may not seem like much, but let me tell you: each time I manage to get a strip done and uploaded on time, it feels like a victory. I feel like I've barely got enough time to get the comic done, let alone make time to actually practice and improve my technique. But having passed the one-month mark, I'm starting to ease into it a bit more, as well as refocus the drive that got me doing all this cartooning stuff in the first place. Hopefully you'll continue to see improvements in both style and form.

p.s. I truly appreciate those of you who have been reading, and leaving me feedback. It really keeps me going.


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